A rare ‘Apocalyptic’ Supermoon Lunar Eclipse Event
rare ‘Apocalyptic’ Supermoon Lunar Eclipse Event
By E.
Stanley Ukeni
The month of September will offer a rare treat for amateur
astronomers and messianic Christians the world over. This is because sky
watchers in Africa, Europe, Middle East and the Americas would witness a rare
twin lunar phenomenon which will occur in the night sky this month.
The cosmic event will take place on the night of September
27-28, 2015, with the concurrent occurrence of a supermoon and lunar eclipse. This
rare cosmic event has gotten many, the world over, all excited for diverse
reasons. Astronomic enthusiasts see it as an opportunity to experience a rare
celestial phenomenon which would not occur again until the year 2033. However, many
messianic and evangelical Christians have assigned apocalyptic significance to
this stellar event.
A ‘supermoon event’ is a term that refers to the occurrence
of a full moon phase of lunar cycle, when the moon is at its closest point in
its elliptical orbit around the earth—making the full moon to appear up to
fourteen percent larger, and brighter, than usual.
A lunar eclipse occurs when the moon passes directly behind
the earth into its shadow. This only occurs when the Sun, Earth and Moon are in
perfect celestial alignment—as such, a lunar eclipse can only occur on the
night of a full moon phase.
This cosmic phenomenon has been dubbed, a ‘blood moon’ event
by a number of evangelical Christian ministers—due to the reddish-copper hue
that the moon assumes during a lunar eclipse, and assigned apocalyptic
To their defense, an apocalyptic reference to a ‘blood moon’
can be found in biblical book Revelation 6:12. It reads, “I looked when He
opened the sixth seal, and behold, there was a great earthquake; and the sun
became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became like blood.”
Some evangelical Christian ministers consider this natural cosmic
phenomenon to be the fourth and final lunar eclipse in a sequence of four
consecutive total lunar eclipses—each separated by six lunar months. The first
three in the series occurred in April 15th, 2014; October 8th
2014; April 4th 2015.
There exists a strong believe amongst many fundamentalist Christians
that a tetrad of lunar eclipses is a fulfillment of end-times biblical prophecy.
In fact, a prominent American
evangelical Christian minister, John Hagee, claimed in 2013 that the coming
tetrad blood moon is a harbinger of a cataclysmic world event in October of
2015. Well, like the year 2000 and 2012 end-of-days declarations many are not
particularly panicked by this doomsday prophecy.
The biblical passage that is used most by these ministers to
justify their claims is found in the book of Joel 2:30-31. It reads, "And
I will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth: Blood and fire and pillars
of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood,
before the coming of the great and awesome day of the Lord."
This article is
authored and published by E. Stanley Ukeni. Copyright © 2015. All Rights
Reserved. This material and other articles or stories posted on this blog site
may not be reproduced, published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed, in
whole or in part, without prior expressed written permission from the author,
E. Stanley Ukeni.
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