The Philosopher’s Mystic Grail

The Philosopher’s Mystic Grail

By E. Stanley Ukeni

Tucked away in the deep recesses of the human soul is a veiled portal which leads from mortality onto immortality. This portal is the philosopher’s Mystic Grail.
The philosophers’ key that activates this secret gateway onto the supernatural realm is love, virtue and unyielding idealism. This ethereal key is likened to a mystical source-code that unlocks the secrets of the earth, and reveals the marvels of the heavens.
Through millenniums many have sought the mystic source-code to access the portal-gate onto the sublime. But the secret pathway to behold the gateway to the transcendent realm remains veiled to the profane, as the source-code would only unveil itself to the worthiest of souls.
Of the few to whom it is given to possess the source-code, fewer still can endure the harsh life-challenges that imbues a neophyte the requisite resolve needed to venture through the ethereal gateway onto divine knowing. We are all so often oblivious to the truth our challenges are not necessarily meant to destroy us, but to prepare us for an elevated level of spiritual, emotional and intellectual understanding of our divine purpose in life.

Ignorant that our lives are being guided by an invisible influence, many of the elect—in their jaded quest for sublime immortality, continue to shed tears, and to bleed pints, in the agony of their hopelessness. But then, those who are single-mindedly resolved to stay true to their destiny laugh through their ‘dark knight of the soul’—with an inner knowing that their current tribulations are opportunities to honor the Divine Creator before other. They know that their challenges are merely temporal—even while their weary peers lament and pine-away in sorrow and grief.
However, through their wallowing and elations—in vain sentiment, the God of the realms remains in secret adoration of His fragile human creation. Even when they stray, in stubborn disobedience, the God of compassion still remain their constant shepherd. He steadfastly continues to guide the destiny of His beloved morals, as they struggle to retrace their way back to His grace and communion.
Yet, even as they stumble along—walking through their triumphs and failures, the path to divine favor still continues to spiral upwards towards the renewal of the sacred covenant between humanity and the LORD of the hosts of heaven.
And as humanity continue its evolving sojourn to reclaim its immortal heritage, all who attains divine enlightenment, attests to mystic realization that their soul never really lost its ability to soar, and to consort with angels. Their spiritual awakening illumined their mind to the knowing that the soul’s ethereal wings had merely been confined under its corporeal embodiment, and its inner voice dampened for a season.

The illumined, all through the ages, confess that the mystic elixir that possesses the power to release the soul from its physical bondage can be conjured up with a secret formula that is derived from the essence of love, faith, virtue and fidelity—therein lays the mystery of the source-code. The power that is released by this arcane formula can readily free the mortal soul from human depravity.
Once freed from its mortal confinement, the spirit man—just as it were before the first creations fell from grace, will spread its clipped wings and soar to the very source of itself. And there, in the sublime realm, the ascended spirit-man engages its timeless-now frolicking with the hosts of heaven. It is in this full embrace of divine that humanity would become aware of the prime purpose for which they were created, and are sustained.  
To the mystic neophyte it is said; ‘Seek and ye shall find the secret path to the gates of heaven; Ask and the key to immortality shall be given to you; Knock and the door to transcendence shall be opened to you.
Behold…the divine beckons. Reach out to it in full embrace. 

E. Stanley Ukeni, ©2015. All Rights Reserved.       


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