Reflection on Life

Reflection on Life
By E. Stanley Ukeni
When you look back on your life, what do you see?
If all you see is the remnants of the crumbled edifices of broken relationships and ruined lives…then you have missed the mark on the purpose of life, and the reason for your existence.
If you cannot name anyone you’ve built up—anyone you’ve actually uplifted, to exalted height…be aware that you’ve lived a wasted and meaningless life.
If all that trails behind you are hunting memories of the men and women whose lives you have destroyed or brought to ruin…then, you’ve failed in the divine mission of your human sojourn. 
If the only legacy that you will bequeath to you children, is one laced with viciousness and cruelty…well, rest assured that the story of your life will not delight the angels.
Pray, with supplicant knees, that providence grants you the wisdom, inspiration, ingenuity and passion to contribute your portion to the enhancement of the human experience.
You are a living manifestation of divine love. Smile…and let the love in you illumine our world.

                                                                        —E. Stanley Ukeni, ©2015. All Rights Reserved.


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