Musing on Possible Extraterrestrial Sentient Alien Encounter
on Possible Extraterrestrial Sentient Alien Encounter
E. Stanley Ukeni
One of the greatest conundrums
that humanity has been faced with is the question of our uniqueness as
‘self-conscious’ sentient Beings. As we become more conscious of our place in
this vast universe that we exist in—and more aware of the potentials of our
sentience, the one intrinsic question that continue to engage our imagination
is; do aliens exist? This question is born of both fear and intrigue.
Of course I have an opinion
regarding this question, as I am sure you probably do as well. My intent here
is not to sway you to consider a skewed narrative that favors the existence of
alien life or a lack of it. I will however, for the purposes of advancing this
discuss briefly share my thoughts on the divergent points of view regarding the
existence of sentient extraterrestrial beings. Thereafter, I will delve into
the real intent of this piece.
Since there is not yet a
definitive, and clearly verifiable, empirical proof of the existence of
sentient aliens, there are varying opinions on this subject. The dominant
narratives on this topic are espoused by two distinct schools of thought—one
religious and the other scientific.
If one were to ask Orthodox or fundamental
Christian scholars of their view on the subject, their answer would, most
assuredly, advance the prevailing dogmatic Judeo-Christian worldview that
ascribes to the notion that human-beings are unique creation in the entire
universe. My sense is that those who ascribe to this worldview would not likely
yield to an argument to its contrary—however compelling, unless, of course, a
couple of life-alien are submitted for their thorough inspection. And even
then, there would still be those who would continue to doubt.
Then again, if a scientist were
to be asked about the possibility of intelligent sentient extraterrestrial
beings existing elsewhere in the universe, he or she would probably respond
pragmatically. Although there has never been any properly verified proof that
self-conscious beings, or entities for that matter, exists beyond the earth
biosphere, still in recent years, a growing number of scientists are convinced
of the existence of alien civilizations somewhere in the universe.
The scientific argument for the
probability that alien life exists somewhere in the universe is enshrined in
the Drake Equation. However, this equation is merely a supposition and not a
definitive assertion. This fact has not stopped it from being the gold-standard
for employing statistical probability as a bases for the rational that aliens
plausibly exists. Although exobiology does, in theory, ascribe to the
plausibility of the existence of intelligent life elsewhere in the universe, most
scientific scholars would be quick to distance themselves from the suggestion
that some advanced extraterrestrial Beings have ever visited earth—obviously for
fear of being ridiculed by their peers.
The Drake Equation does in fact
lend scientific credibility to the popular argument that most intellectuals
offer-up to support their opinion that we are not alone in the universe. I must
add here that I am of the opinion that this hypothesis is purely speculative,
at best. This argument theorizes that, with billions of Star Systems—with
planets orbiting them, there exists a high statistical probability that,
perhaps, a number of those planets would have hosted the same chemical
reactions that occurred on earth which enabled life, and subsequently
intelligent-life, to evolve and thrive.
Up until now, the question of
the existence of extraterrestrial sentient life has been mostly one of
consideration through either religious or scientific prism. But that should no
longer be the case. I, along with millions of people, now share the opinion
that the recent discovery of Trappist 1 Star System, with seven planets
orbiting it—three of which maintains an orbit within a ‘habitable zone’ where
the atmospheric environment would be neither too hot nor too cold for life to
evolve and thrive.
Seven Earth-sized
planets have been observed by NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope around a tiny,
nearby, ultra-cool dwarf star called TRAPPIST-1. Three of these planets are
firmly in the habitable zone.
Credits: NASA
Now, let us suppose, for the
sake of advancing the current narrative, that there does exits sentient alien
civilizations elsewhere in the Milky Way galaxy, or perhaps throughout the
entire universe. I must add that this notion is no-longer an implausible
hypothesis, in the face of recent tantalizing astronomical discoveries in
regards to other planets and moons within our own solar system and galaxy.
With this real possibility that
there exists exoplanets that potentially maintains a habitable environment, we
now need to be asking a completely different question. The musing that I feel
should now occupy our consciousness is; how do we, as human species, engage
other intelligent sentient alien species when we encounter them?
Now here is where it gets
interesting. I think that there are three categories of sentient alien beings
that we are likely to encounter as we further advance in space exploration. How
I envisage that the way we approach our engagement or dealings with each
category of intelligent extraterrestrial life-forms is the real intent of this
I think it’s important that I
paint you a picture of how I think sentient alien beings would have evolved in
other planets, before I proceed any further. This is so that you can have a
frame of reference going forward.
Exobiology assumes that
evolution functions in predictable patterns, and as such produces predictable
outcomes. These suppositions arguably support the notion that extraterrestrial
alien life-forms, if they exist, should have fairly similar physical features,
and perhaps intellectual capabilities, as do terrestrial life-forms. In
essence, sentient alien life-forms could possibly resemble humans in some form.
Their physical structure may differ from those of humans in a very noticeable
way, but their genetic composition may not be too dissimilar.
The first category of alien
beings is one that I would describe as highly advanced alien beings. I envisage
them to be significantly more advanced than humans. These Beings would be so
far advanced in their understanding of the primal workings of nature that they
would have mastered the science of manipulating matter at its sub-atomic levels
towards a desired end. They would probably have the ability to exist in either
sub-dense or ethereal form.
This category of aliens would
have little or no need for whatever our planet or its inhabitants would have to
offer—unless of course there exists a naturally occurring energy structure that
they are unable to synthesis or replicate. I highly doubt this possibility
They would have solved pretty
much at of the fundamental problems of material existence, with the exception of
boredom. I do not think that earthlings would have much of anything of
intrinsic value to trade with these advanced entities—except perhaps our experiences.
I can see them placing premium on human experiences and whatever fable the
human imagination can conjure up.
Since this class of aliens
would have little to fear from humans, they are most likely to be altruistic
and friendly in their dealings with humans. However, humans should take great
care so as not to be in any way dependent on them. It is well to remember that
every being, even the highly evolved beings, may still retain the primal
tendency to dominate a lesser evolved group if the opportunity presents itself.
However, in principle, there
would be more to gain from an encounter with this category of aliens. For instance,
humanity can leap-frog in technological advancement through the possibility of
some form of technology transfer. A comprehensive
rule of engaging with this group of aliens must be established early, and be
strictly adhered to. I think that their needs to be a dedicated United Nations
agency to effectively coordinate this effort.
There is a possibility, albeit
remote, that this category of aliens may have secretly visited earth—or will do
so in the not too distant future. If they have indeed made contact with people
here on earth, there is a possibility that it’s been decided that such
encounter be kept hush so as not to incite mass hysteria.
The second category of alien
beings is ones that I would describe as reasonably evolved sentient entities. Their
civilization would look more like the twenty-first century human society—with
much of the same challenges, aspirations, desires, goals and accomplishments.
They would be at about the same level of technological advancement as humans,
or maybe slightly more scientifically advanced.
We would be wise to be wary of
this category of aliens, especially if they visit earth first. My instinct is
that they would be crafty, devious, ambitious and probably greedy. Given
humanity’s proven propensity to be ruthless and vicious, this class of alien
beings should not be expected to possess character traits that differ much from
those of humans. It’s highly probable that they will try to exploit national,
ethnic and racial prejudices that we are currently contending with. These
problems need to go away before we make contact. We must never yield to the
temptation of thinking of them as even remotely altruistic.
The good news is that since
that they are intelligent Beings; they would exercise reason when it serves
their interest. It would be important to figure out their reason for coming to
our planet, as quickly as possible—as this would form the bases of how we relate
to, and interact with, them.
My first instinct would be that
this category of aliens would only risk an adventure to earth if they identify
something valuable to them here on our planet that they cannot acquire
elsewhere. Now, there are three ways that they would go about securing whatever
it is they want from our world. First, they would explore the option of
stealing it—probably with the aid of some kind of stealth technology. Second,
if outright theft is not a viable option for them, they would attempt to coerce
it from us—generally under the threat of force, or through outright aggression.
It is only if they consider that the second option to be too costly, and
perhaps cost prohibitive, that they would opt for a third option—a mutually
beneficial trade relationship.
Its vitally important to
encourage a beneficial trade relationship early as early as possible by
demonstrating our capacity to inflict devastating damage if threatened, in
other to avoid unnecessary miscalculations on the side of the alien visitors.
My guess is that they would already know that humanity is capable of
unimaginable cruelty when unhinged.
The third category of
self-conscious alien beings, I would describe as lesser beings. They may be
somewhat scientifically astute, but they would lack a rounded intellectual
maturity. The probably would be somewhat physiologically similar to humans—but
would have evolved with an aesthetically different appearance due to their
planetary environment.
photo credit: Huffpost
This class of aliens would be
much more temperamental than the previous two. They’d probably be harder to
reason with, and prone to suspicion and mistrust. It’d be easier to relate to
them more on an emotional level. Though they’d appear charming and agreeable,
they would have mastered the art of treachery as an effective defense
It would be much more likely
that humans would encounter this category of intelligent aliens while during
space exploration. Although they’d appear less advanced than humans, they
should not be underestimated. What they lack in technical and scientific advancement
they’d more than makeup in craftiness.
In dealing with this group of
aliens it’s important to resist any imperialistic impulse. Any attempts at
colonizing them will end disastrously for humans. This group of aliens will not
hesitate to employ biological weaponry in other to inflict unacceptable
casualty on its human conquistadors.
If indeed humankind intend to
make meaningful, and non-adversarial contact with extraterrestrial sentient
intelligent Beings then organized efforts needs to be put into establishing
effective rules of interstellar commerce.
Authored by E. Stanley Ukeni, © 2017.
All Rights Reserved. This material and other articles or stories posted on this
blog site may not be reproduced, published, broadcast, rewritten or
redistributed, in whole or in part, without prior expressed written permission
from the author, E. Stanley Ukeni.
Photo Credits: NASA/JPL
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